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– Theodore Roosevelt 

We have been environmentally focused long before it was fashionable. It’s part of our DNA. In everything we do, we consider the impact on the earth and how to make it prosperous when the project is successfully completed.

At Huwa, we approach all our client’s projects with our REC-TECH-SCIENCETM methodology. This is our special technique of combing our proprietary land analysis, with our expert soil sciences, to develop prescriptive plans for every piece of land we touch. Not only does this save our client’s time, money and resources, but it is the absolute best way to bring the land back to its natural state, efficiently, and ensure long-term success.

In our Science Approach, we develop solutions centered around cost efficacies to address environmental challenges, while minimizing liability. We utilize proven methodologies, agronomic research and soil science. With a keen understanding of regulations and environmental challenges, we provide cost reducing solutions, permit acquisition services, and legacy property divestment. 

In our Technology Approach, we use our proprietary data processing and analytics automation engine to help our customers solve the common challenges they face. 

With a superior understanding of all the Science that will affect the land, combined with Remotely Sensed Data, we create detailed and precise plans on how to restore the land. This is REC-TECH-SCIENCE.TM

Typical Problems We Solve Everyday:

  • Permitting & Compliance
  • Erosion and Land Slips
  • Compromised Streambanks
  • Lands affected by Natural Disasters
  • Vegetation Control
  • Topsoil Salvage
  • Cleanup and Repair
  • Noxious and Invasive Weeds
  • Compaction
  • Stormwater
  • Permit Closure

Top Line Services We Provide:

  • Consulting: Environmental, Vegetation, Soil, Water
  • Reclamation Plans
  • Soil pH and Fertility Assessment
  • Topsoil Delineation
  • Compaction Testing
  • Optimal Seed Mixes
  • Pollinator Species Integration
  • Remote Sensing Expertise
  • Earth-Science GIS Application

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